The Business and Industry Council for Emergency Planning (BEPA) had recently completed a SWOT analysis to evaluate its status as an on-going resource for the Greater Cleveland area. At that time the Strategic Advisory Committee was at a cross-roads and concerned about the health of the initiative and the general lack of clarity concerning the short- and long-term strategy/plan.
Reason for Project:
- Clarify understanding around the current state of the BEPA program.
- Define a future-state vision of the BEPA program that would allow it to best meet its objectives.
- Develop a short- and long-term action plan for implementing the future-state vision.
Project Deliverables:
- Led the Strategic Advisory Committee through a current-state review considering industry trends and the SWOT analysis.
- Brainstormed a compelling future-state vision for the BEPA program and led a discussion to prioritize characteristics.
- Developed metrics for measuring the success of the new system(s).
- Developed a plan (series of initiatives) for implementing the future-state system over the next year.
Project Results/Benefits:
- Clarified/Documented Strategic Plan: The project resulted in the development of a strategic plan with defined initiatives, committee assignments, goals and metrics to track success.